We are a family that connects, cares for each other, prays with each other, and worships together. Like all families we gather together throughout the day, week, and year. Scroll down to explore the opportunities available to connect at Barrhaven Fellowship. For more information on any of the groups below, please contact the Church Office.
For Adults

Small Groups
We believe we are created to live in community, physically and spiritually. In Small Groups, we hope to provide everyone with a safe place to connect, build relationships, and grow as God intended – no membership required.
The study materials, location, and styles vary from group to group, and all ages and backgrounds are welcome. Come join us as we learn and are challenged to grow spiritually and in community.

Prayer Ministry
We want to pray for you! Life is full of ups and downs but one thing remains constant – God listens when we call on His name.
We are a praying people, seeking God’s presence and guidance. Do you have a specific prayer need? Do you want someone to pray with you? Do you want to pray for the needs of the church? Do you have a prayer request?
Please reach out to for more information.

Senior Fellowship Circle
Building community can happen at any age! Once a month, the Seniors Fellowship Circle aims to do just that, through a relaxed gathering over coffee, tea, and treats. The time together is spent catching up with old friends or making new ones, participating in games, and occasional outings to local events.
Seniors Fellowship Circle gathers the third Tuesday of each month, from 1:30 to 3:00pm.
For Youth

The greatest gift we can give our Youth is a solid foundation in Christ and His teachings, one that will support them through life’s joys and challenges. Barrhaven Fellowship is in the process of restructuring the Youth Ministry to meet the unique needs of today’s Youth – how to best support them in Christian discipleship, leadership, discovering who they are, and God’s plan for them.

GEMS Girls Club
GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. Designed for girls age 7 to 13, GEMS aims to bring girls everywhere into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. With dedicated Counsellors, the girls learn through song, arts, crafts, activities, and Bible Study that they are LOVED by God.
GEMS meet on Wednesday evenings, from 7 to 8:30 pm and runs from September to May.

Cadets Boys Club
The Cadet Boys Club is a ministry designed to met boys where they are in life. Under the guidance of experienced Counsellors, the boys are encouraged to become more Christ-like in all areas of life.
Each evening consists of assembling for Landmarks, Bible Study, group work on badges, and physicl activities.
Geared to boys age 7 to 13, Cadets meet weekly on Wednesdays at 7 to 8:30 pm and runs from September to May.
For Babies and Children

Children are welcome to come worship on Sunday mornings – and when the Littles need a change of scenery, the nursery room is available for those age newborn to 3 years. Nursery attendants will be present to welcome you, check in your children, and watch them play. Snacks are not provided but parents are welcome to pack peanut free snacks for their own children.

Sunday School
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”
Children are an essential part of the Church community – their joy, curiosity, and faith demonstrate to all how to be children of God. On Sunday mornings, partway through the service children aged 3 to grade 6 are invited to gather in worship, where they can build relationships, and experience God’s Word through stories and play.