613 825-7512 office@bfcrc.ca


At Barrhaven Fellowship, we believe God has called us to serve the local and international community. We are commissioned to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and so have joined with several organizations to help meet the financial, physical, mental, and Spiritual needs of the community.

Below are some of the organizations we are committed to supporting. For more information on the organization or how you can get involved, please contact the Deacons at info@bfcrc.ca.

Barrhaven Food Cupboard

The Barrhaven Food Cupboard is a community-led organization that provides food assistance to families in the Barrhaven area through the generosity of the community.

First Place Options

First Place Options is a non-profit service organization offering compassionate support for anyone experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, past or present.


NROCRC is a much-needed, well-used community organization that helps vulnerable individuals and families lead better lives. It is a non-profit charity, and all the services and programs are free.

World Renew

World Renew is a charity that joins with communities and families around the world to change the story of hunger, poverty, and illness. Through programs like Disaster Response, Community Development, and Refugee Sponsorship, they provide a bridge between the local communities and the world.

Harvest House Ministries

Harvest House Ministries was founded with the goal of rehabilitating men struggling with addiction to alcohol and drugs. 

We support each other…

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is a ministry of care nurtured by the love of God, to share compassion, understanding, and presence as we journey with those who need a listening ear. This team consists of members who have been trained in pastoral care, along with our pastor.  All dialogue is kept in strictest confidence.  For more information or to schedule a visit email our pastoral care team.


Barrhaven Fellowship runs several classes throughout the year.  Classes range from our “Explorations” class that support those who are interested in learning more about the Christian Faith, to our Profession of Faith class which prepares members to publicly profess their faith.  If you are interested in attending one of our classes email our education coordinator.